RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Renaissance] OR [Subject and Keywords = Baroque] OR [Subject and Keywords = European culture] OR [Subject and Keywords = literary comparatism] OR [Subject and Keywords = theatre studies] OR [Subject and Keywords = musicology] OR [Subject and Keywords = interdisciplinarity] OR [Subject and Keywords = renesans] OR [Subject and Keywords = barok] OR [Subject and Keywords = kultura europejska] OR [Subject and Keywords = komparatystyka literacka] OR [Subject and Keywords = teatrologia] OR [Subject and Keywords = muzykologia] OR [Subject and Keywords = interdyscyplinarność] OR [Title = Actes du Congrès International „Théâtre, musique et arts dans les cours européennes de la Renaissance et du Baroque”, Varsovie, 23\-28 septembre 1996. Études réunies et présentées par Kazimierz Sabik. Varsovie 1997] OR [Creator = Nowicka\-Jeżowa, Alina]

Number of results: 136

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Instytut Badań Literackich


Ratajczakowa, Dobrochna


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