RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Gertruda Mniszkówna’s creativity] OR [Subject and Keywords = Benedictine spirituality] OR [Subject and Keywords = Anna Memorata’s creativity] OR [Subject and Keywords = baroque] OR [Subject and Keywords = Neo\-Latin poetry] OR [Subject and Keywords = Elżbieta Drużbacka’s creativity] OR [Subject and Keywords = environment of writing women] OR [Subject and Keywords = court environment] OR [Subject and Keywords = Maria Kazimiera Sobieska’s creativity] OR [Subject and Keywords = women as authors of silva rerums] OR [Subject and Keywords = Marianna Marchocka’s Żywot \(Life\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Anna Zbąska’s Transakcyja \(Transaction\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Antonina Niemiryczowa’s Wiersze polskie \(Polish Poems\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Salomea Pilsztynowa’s Proceder podróży i życia mego awantur \(Practice of Journeys and the Adventures of My Life\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Konstancja Benisławska’s poetry] OR [Subject and Keywords = Izabela Czartoryska’s creativity] OR [Subject and Keywords = twórczość Gertrudy Mieszkówny] OR [Subject and Keywords = duchowość benedyktyńska] OR [Subject and Keywords = twórczość Anny Memoraty] OR [Subject and Keywords = barok] OR [Subject and Keywords = poezja nowołacińska] OR [Subject and Keywords = twórczość Elżbiety Drużbackiej] OR [Subject and Keywords = środowiska kobiet piszących] OR [Subject and Keywords = środowisko dworskie] OR [Subject and Keywords = twórczość Marii Kazimiery Sobieskiej] OR [Subject and Keywords = kobiety jako autorki sylw] OR [Subject and Keywords = Żywot Marianny Marchockiej] OR [Subject and Keywords = Transakcyja Anny Zbąskiej] OR [Subject and Keywords = Wiersze polskie Antoniny Niemiryczowej] OR [Subject and Keywords = Proceder podróży i życia mego awantur Salomei Pilsztynowej] OR [Subject and Keywords = poezja Konstancji Benisławskiej] OR [Subject and Keywords = twórczość Izabeli Czartoryskiej] OR [Title = Pisarki polskie epok dawnych. Pod red. Krystyny Stasiewicz. Olsztyn 1998] OR [Creator = Czyż, Antoni]

Number of results: 72

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