RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Polish contemporary prose] OR [Subject and Keywords = image of family] OR [Subject and Keywords = literary symbolism of a house \/ home] OR [Subject and Keywords = women’s prose] OR [Subject and Keywords = emigration] OR [Subject and Keywords = sociological perspective] OR [Subject and Keywords = Maria Kuncewiczowa’s Zmowa nieobecnych \(Conspiracy of the Absent\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Danuta Mostwin’s Dom starej lady] OR [Subject and Keywords = Zofia Romanowiczowa’s Baśka i Barbara \(Baśka and Barbara\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Witold Gombrowicz’s Trans\-Atlantyk \(Trans\-Atlantic\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Czesław Miłosz’s The Issa Valley] OR [Subject and Keywords = anthropological perspective] OR [Subject and Keywords = philosophical perspective] OR [Subject and Keywords = socialist realism] OR [Subject and Keywords = existentialism] OR [Subject and Keywords = personalism] OR [Subject and Keywords = polska proza współczesna] OR [Subject and Keywords = wizerunek rodziny] OR [Subject and Keywords = literacka symbolika domu] OR [Subject and Keywords = proza kobieca] OR [Subject and Keywords = emigracja] OR [Subject and Keywords = ujęcie socjologiczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = Zmowa nieobecnych Marii Kuncewiczowej] OR [Subject and Keywords = Dom starej lady Danuty Mostwin] OR [Subject and Keywords = Baśka i Barbara Zofii Romanowiczowej] OR [Subject and Keywords = Trans\-Atlantyk Witolda Gombrowicza] OR [Subject and Keywords = Dolina Issy Czesława Miłosza] OR [Subject and Keywords = ujęcie antropologiczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = ujęcie filozoficzne] OR [Subject and Keywords = socrealizm] OR [Subject and Keywords = egzystencjalizm] OR [Subject and Keywords = personalizm] OR [Title = Monika Brzóstowicz, Wizerunek rodziny w polskiej prozie współczesnej. Poznań 1998] OR [Title = Monika Brzóstowicz, Wizerunek rodziny w polskiej prozie współczesnej. Poznań 1998] OR [Creator = Jaxa\-Rożen, Hanna]

Number of results: 203

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