@misc{Dudziński_M._L._Growth_1978, author={Dudziński, M. L. and Newsome, A. E. and Merchant, J. C.}, volume={23}, number={26}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, address={Białowieża}, journal={Acta Theriologica}, howpublished={online}, year={1978}, language={eng ; sum. eng. ; pol.}, type={Text}, title={Growth rhythms in pouch-young of the agile wallaby in Australia}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/ibs/Content/10514/PDF/BI002_2613_Cz-40-2_Acta-T23-nr26--401-411_o.pdf}, keywords={ambient temperature, growth rhythms, Wallabia agilis, rytm wzrostu młodych, periodyczność wzrostu, regresja wielowymiarowa}, }