RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = calendar\-of\-catches procedure] OR [Subject and Keywords = enclosed populations] OR [Subject and Keywords = Hayne's removal method] OR [Subject and Keywords = Jolly's method] OR [Subject and Keywords = modified Schnabel census] OR [Subject and Keywords = Overton's method] OR [Subject and Keywords = population size] OR [Subject and Keywords = small mammals populations] OR [Subject and Keywords = ocena zagęszczenia] OR [Subject and Keywords = populacja zamknięta] OR [Subject and Keywords = liczebność] OR [Subject and Keywords = małe ssaki] OR [Subject and Keywords = metoda Jolly'ego] OR [Subject and Keywords = wzór Schnabela] OR [Subject and Keywords = kalendarz złowień] OR [Subject and Keywords = metoda wyłowu Hayne'go] OR [Subject and Keywords = mysz domowa] OR [Subject and Keywords = Nornik pensylwański] OR [Title = Comparative accuracy of population estimators for enclosed small mammal populations] OR [Creator = Peterjohn, W. T.] OR [Creator = Patterson, J. L.] OR [Creator = Barrett, G. W.] OR [Creator = Farrell, M. P.]

Number of results: 86

Items per page:

Dueser, R. D. Wilson, M. L. Rose, R. K.


Getz, L. L. Verner, L. Cole, F. R. Hofmann, J. E. Avalos, D. E.


Hewison, A. J. M. Vincent, J. P. Bideau, E. Angibault, J. M. Putman, R. J.


Dzięciołowski, R. Goszczyński, J. Wasilewski, M. Babińska-Werka, J.


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