@misc{Bun_Rostyslav_Developing_2016, author={Bun, Rostyslav and Charkovska, Nadiya and Danylo, Olha and Halushchak, Mariia and Horabik-Pyzel, Joanna and Lesiv, Myroslava and Nahorski, Zbigniew (1945– ) and See, Linda and Striamets, Oleksandr and Topylko, Petro and Valakh, Mariia}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, address={Warszawa}, journal={Raport Badawczy = Research Report}, howpublished={online}, year={2016}, publisher={Instytut Badań Systemowych. Polska Akademia Nauk}, publisher={Systems Research Institute. Polish Academy of Sciences}, language={eng}, abstract={The paper aims at producing a high resolution spatially explicit emission inventory for the categories, that refer to human activity. The total emissions are found by combining the point, line, and area-type GHG emission sources, and the vector maps of all sources, for all IPCC categories, are created, using official information about companies, along with the administrative maps, Corine Land Cover, and other available data. The algorithms for the data disaggregation to the level of emission sources are created and the emissions of the most greenhouse gases are analyzed. The total emissions in CO2-equivalent are calculated and gridded, with the grid cells split by administrative boundaries into separate objects of the vector maps. The uncertainty analysis for the statistical data of the calorific values and other emission factors with both symmetric and asymmetric distributions is performed using the Monte Carlo method, giving the 95% confidence intervals estimated for the high point-type emission sources, the provinces, and the subsectors.}, type={Text}, title={Developing a High Resolution Spatial Inventory of GHG Emissions for Poland from Stationary and Mobile Sources}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/ibsys/Content/109515/PDF/RB-2016-18.pdf}, keywords={Niepewność, Emisja gazów cieplarnianych, Uncertainty, Monte carlo methods, Greenhouse gas emissions, High resolution spatial inventory, Inwentaryzacja przestrzenna o wysokiej rozdzielczości}, }