RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Abstract = "A new 'soft' cooperative \- game \- tbeoretic model of international economic cooperation is proposed. Basically, the part i cipating countries form coalitions and then choose appropriate economic strategi es to maxi mi ze a bene fit or payoff \( their shares of some commorlity\). To account for the inherent 'softness' of this \-problem, we apply fuzzy mathematical \(linear\) programming to model the economic behavior of the individual countries and their coalitions. This inakes it possible to introduce 'soft' \( imprecise or fuzzy\) aspiration levels for the objective function values and the satisfaction of the constraints. This replaces the conventional strict and rigid optimization and constraint satisfaction which are often unrealistic in practice. We derive as a solution the C \- core which is coalitionally stable."]

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