@misc{Słota_Ewa_The_2003, author={Słota, Ewa and Rejduch, Barbara and Radko, Anna}, volume={60}, number={1}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY-SA 4.0 license}, journal={Biotechnologia, vol.60, 1 (2003)-.}, howpublished={online}, year={2003}, publisher={Committee on Biotechnology PAS}, publisher={Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS}, language={pol}, abstract={On the basis of the literature, the new molecular methods useful in animalbreeding and selection are described.DNA restriction fragment lenght polymorphism analysis is a tool in the diagnosis of some genetic diseases (RYRl in pigs, BLAD and DUMPS in cattle).Microsatellite DNA polymorphism is useful in parentage control, genetic characteristic of populations, as well as in gene mapping and marker assisted selection.}, title={The utilization of molecular biology methods in farm animals breeding and selection}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/ichb/Content/136041/PDF/POZN271_170831_biotechnologia-2003-no1-slota.pdf}, keywords={biotechnology}, }