@misc{Gołębiewska_Justyna_Exploring_2020, author={Gołębiewska, Justyna}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY-SA 4.0 license}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, language={pol}, abstract={Nucleoside boranephosphonates are an important class of nucleotide analoguesin which one of the non-bridging oxygen atom has been replaced by a borane moiety (-BH3).The significant structural similarity to natural nucleotides and their higher stability in the cellmedium make these analogues extremely useful in biological research. In contrast to theirchemical and biological properties, reactivity of the borane group itself in these compoundshas been poorly explored so far. From the chemistry point of view, modifying and carryingout transformations within this group opens new possibilities for application ofboranephosphonate derivatives, e.g., as masking groups, chemical markers in post-syntheticmodifications of oligonucleotides, or a new type of pharmacophores. These stimulated myinterest in this class of compounds and ultimately, the reactivity of the borane group ofnucleoside boranephosphonate under oxidative conditions with diverse N-nucleophilesbecame subject of my PhD thesis.}, type={Text}, title={Exploring Nucleoside Boranephosphonate Chemistry – Mechanistic and Synthetic Studies}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/ichb/Content/197018/PDF/POZN271_233249_doktorat-go%C5%82%C4%99biewska.pdf}, }