RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Disserations \-\- Chemistry, Physical] OR [Subject and Keywords = Dissertation \-\- Physics] OR [Subject and Keywords = Physics \-\- Theoretical] OR [Subject and Keywords = Chemistry, Physical \-\- Solutions] OR [Subject and Keywords = Chemistry, Physical \-\- Colloids, Clusters] OR [Subject and Keywords = Praca doktorska \-\- Chemia fizyczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = Praca doktorska \-\- Fizyka] OR [Subject and Keywords = Fizyka teoretyczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = Roztwory] OR [Subject and Keywords = Kolloidy, klastery] OR [Title = Amphilphilic systems in restricted geometry] OR [Title = Amphilphilic systems in restricted geometry] OR [Creator = Tasinkevych, Mykola.] OR [Creator = Tasinkevych, Mykola.]

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