RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Abstract = "The main aim of this dissertation is to examine whether or not Judith Butler’s feminist philosophy \(Queer theory\) can be interpreted as what Theodor W. Adorno called a dialectical or immanent critique of dialectics. The rationale behind this examination can be found in two essays published by Carrie Hull \(1997\) and Marcel Stoetzler \(2005\). In these essays, both authors suggest that Butler’s argument \(Gender Trouble 1999\[1990\]\) would benefit significantly from being juxtaposed with Adorno’s reconceptualisation of dialectics as ‘negative dialectics’ \(Negative Dialectics 1990\[1966\]\). However, while Hull and Stoetzler provide convincing arguments, their claims are, at best, superficial. Thus, this dissertation addresses this particular lack in state of the art by thoroughly examining Hull’s and Stoetzler’s suggested reading of Butler with Adorno \(and vice versa\)."]

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