@misc{Barszcz_Mariusz_Zastosowanie_2014, author={Barszcz, Mariusz}, volume={86}, number={3}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, address={Warszawa}, journal={Przegląd Geograficzny}, howpublished={online}, year={2014}, publisher={IGiPZ PAN}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of the work detailed here was to assess the suitability of the conceptual Santa Barbara Unit Hydrograph model for simulating a fl ow hydrograph in urbanised catchments exemplifi ed by that of the Służewiec Stream sub-catchment (A = 14.7 km2) in Warsaw, Poland. The area of the sub-catchment was characterised by a 40% share of impermeable surfaces, a large portion of which are equipped witha stormwater drainage system.The article presents the calculation procedure applied in a computer program developed by the author, which can be used to simulate flows on the basis of the SBUH model. The scope of the work included determination of parameters of the model (tc, Kr), using the iterative method for 13 selected rainfall-runoff events measured in the catchment during the 2006-2008 period. As parameters of the model were determined, no differences between measured and simulated maximal flows were noted, while parameters calculated for the individual analyzed rainfall-runoff events were found to vary markedly. The data obtained were used to devise a formula providing for calculation of the retention coeffi cient for the reservoir (Kr), as well as the time of concentration (tc) based on the coefficient, and calculated in relation to the maximum intensity of effective rainfall. Values for the time of concentration calculated using the formula ranged from 0.417 to 1.291 h, with a mean value of 0.707 h. Mean values for concentrations determined using the iterative method were found to be the same as those obtained through application of the formula described above.The times of concentration calculated using the formula were applied in simulating maximum flows using the SBUH model, with values found to range between 5.609 and 24.385 m3 s–1. The average value for the maximum flow of 10.343 m3 s–1 did not differ much from the average value of measured fl ows (9.847 m3 s–1).Maximum flows calculated using the model were compared with those measured in the fi eld, in this way making possible an assessment of the calculation procedure and the SBUH model. Relative error values established on the basis of these flows ranged from–28.3 to 87.6% (8.9% on average). Relative errors of flow simulations for the 9 eventsdid not exceed 15%. The results obtained confirm the suitability of the SBUH model forsimulating flow hydrographs in the urbanized Służewiecki Stream sub-catchment.}, type={Text}, title={Zastosowanie modelu Santa Barbara Unit Hydrograph do symulacji hydrogramu przepływów w zlewniach zurbanizowanych = The application of the Santa Barbara Unit Hydrograph model to simulate a flow hydrograph in urbanized catchments}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/igipz/Content/49080/PDF/WA51_66953_r2014-t86-z3_Przeg-Geogr-Barszcz.pdf}, keywords={urbanized catchment, rainfall-runoff process, maximal flows of hydrographs, concentration time, SBUH model}, }