@misc{Wasielewski_Krzysztof_Funkcje_2015, author={Wasielewski, Krzysztof}, volume={40}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 3.0 PL license}, address={Warszawa}, journal={Studia Obszarów Wiejskich}, howpublished={online}, year={2015}, publisher={PAN IGiPZ}, publisher={PTG}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of this article is to present the significance of higher education for changes in the Polish countryside. These transformation are – directly or indirectly – related to changes assigned to the value of education, as well as to structural changes in the entire system of higher education in Poland. Popularization and greater accessibility to higher education has undoubtedly affected rural youth and rural areas themselves. As a consequence, the areas that until recently had been marginalised were given an opportunity to 'catch up' in terms of educational and civilization progress. It was all possible certainly not only due to institutional changes in education system but also as a result of changes in the mentality of rural inhabitants, opening to new cultural trends and values – and last but not least – substantial aid from the European Union targeted at rural areas. The countryside has undoubtedly used this opportunity. Owing to a student-oriented broad opening of higher education institutions, youth has been given a chance to acquire their dream qualifications and higher education. The risk of unemployment has also been minimised. It is the young people of rural areas that became the most important beneficiaries as they were given an opportunity to develop, fulfil their ambitions and improve their qualifications. Although young people of rural areas still regard education as a means of social advancement, such dissemination brought them education in an unprecedented scale, while rural areas were given an opportunity to rebuild their elites. Among the negative consequences of these processes are more intense bonds with the town (through employment or residence), which are replacing the existing bonds with the countryside. The situation described may in fact be of dysfunctional nature for rural areas. It is true that an increasing number of people with higher education can be found in rural areas, yet most of them have a limited contact with rurality. Another negative function of higher education is that it shapes life and professional aspirations outside agriculture and encourages young people to leave rural areas. Higher education contributes indirectly to the unwillingness of rural youth to return to the countryside.}, type={Text}, title={Funkcje szkolnictwa wyższego dla obszarów wiejskich – wybrane zagadnieniaz perspektywy socjologa = Functions of higher education for rural areas - selected issues from a sociological point of view}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/igipz/Content/58063/PDF/WA51_78039_r2015-t40_SOW-Wasielewski.pdf}, keywords={functions of universities, higher education, popularization of education, rural areas, value of education}, }