@misc{Heffner_Krystian_Potencjały_2016, author={Heffner, Krystian and Klemens, Brygida}, volume={42}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 3.0 PL license}, journal={Studia Obszarów Wiejskich}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2016}, publisher={PAN IGiPZ}, publisher={PTG}, language={pol}, abstract={The article presents exemplary research on the availability and quality of public services. Moreover, it discusses the categories of public services and various examples of services, referring them especially to the local level (particularly in rural areas). The focus is put mainly on the public services of social, administrative and technical character. The article discusses the effects of public services’ low level and the importance of enhancing their quality in rural areas. Presented considerations are conducted primarily based on the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data collected in rural areas located in the Opolskie Voivodship.}, title={Potencjały i strefy problemowe w zakresie świadczenia usług publicznych na obszarach wiejskich w skali regionalnej = Potentials and problem areas in the provision of public services in rural areas at regional scale}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/igipz/Content/61613/PDF/WA51_80933_r2016-t42_SOW-Heffner.pdf}, keywords={public services, access to public services, rural areas}, }