@misc{Bańkowska_Katarzyna_Endogeniczny_2017, author={Bańkowska, Katarzyna}, volume={45}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 3.0 PL license}, journal={Studia Obszarów Wiejskich}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={PAN IGiPZ}, publisher={PTG}, language={pol}, abstract={The study attempts to evaluate the local factors which create pro-environmental functions (independent of external support) of rural areas. The assessment was based on statistical data (2004–2014) published by the Central Statistical Office of Poland. The national sustainable development indicators at the level of counties were analyzed, including indicators of environmental domain and selected indicators of domain such as: social, economic, institutional and political. The graphical presentation of the data enabled the spatial location of Polish counties on a map which may have a higher potential in the creation of pro-environmental functions. Choropleth maps included in the study are based on the visualization tool available in the Central Statistical Office's Application – Indicators for Sustainable Development – local module.}, title={Endogeniczny potencjał kreacji prośrodowiskowych funkcji obszarów wiejskich – próba oceny w oparciu o bazę Wskaźników Zrównoważonego Rozwoju GUS =Endogenous potential for creating pro-environmental functions of rural areas – an evaluation attempt based on the CSO's Sustainable Development Indicators database}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/igipz/Content/63447/PDF/WA51_83176_r2017-t45_SOW-Bankowska.pdf}, keywords={functions of rural areas, pro-environmental activities, sustainable development}, }