@misc{Mazurek_Damian_Potencjał_2017, author={Mazurek, Damian}, volume={46}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 3.0 PL license}, journal={Studia Obszarów Wiejskich}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={PAN IGiPZ}, publisher={PTG}, language={pol}, abstract={The article presents analysis of development potential of agriculture in Poland in regional dimension in the context of smart specializations concept. The paper assumed to characterize all smart specializations related to agriculture. The analysis of all 16 voivodships in the context of agriculture potential was conducted. Three potentials: economic, natural and scientific were examined. In addition, the research has been extended to identify production specialization in each region. Numerous statistical methods were used in the studies and classification of development potential was conducted in the context of implementing regional smart specializations. The objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy extend regional policy to develop Regional Innovation Strategies, where regions are obligated to identify their strengths. This is important in the context of the new funding program of 2014-2020, as the initiatives supported by the RIS are to implement in all voivodships an innovative model of economic development. However, the choice of smart specialization does not always reflect the real potential of the region in a given sector. The agricultural sector is also specific due to many constraints, therefore the total output potential is incomparable between regions.}, title={Potencjał rozwoju rolnictwa i specjalizacja produkcji rolniczej w ujęciu regionalnym w świetle koncepcji specjalizacji inteligentnych w Polsce = Potential of agriculture development and specialization of agricultural production in regional dimension in the context of smart specializations in Poland}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/igipz/Content/63468/PDF/WA51_83196_r2017-t46_SOW-Mazurek.pdf}, keywords={smart specialization, development potential, agricultural production specialization, development of agriculture, Regional Innovation Strategy}, }