@misc{Mijal_Anna._Autor_Les_2018, author={Mijal, Anna. Autor}, volume={52}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, journal={Studia Obszarów Wiejskich}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={IGiPZ PAN}, publisher={PTG}, language={pol}, abstract={The level of education as a component of competence may play an important role in determining the chances of social and material success, as well as raising the living standards, forming conditions for economic growth. This finds its reflection in the EU strategic documents, which lays the foundations for opening a public debate. It is commonly accepted that the level of education stands behind the heritage and thus, a significant role is played by the parents’ educational lifelines. Population inhabiting rural areas is presented in the subject literature as a community usually more inclined towards ending their education as early as possible and displaying professional passivity. The aim of the article is to identify the scale of the phenomenon concerning professional and educational inactive young people aged 15–34 in Poland and in the EU (the so-called NEET – Not in Education, Employment, or Training), particularly in rural areas, in the context of rural inhabitants’ opinions, concerning the impact of education on their situation and expectations relating to the sphere of their children’s education. For the purpose of the study the non-reactive method of the existing data analysis (desk research) was used. Basing upon the study of the subject literature and analysis of articles provided by experts, information was collected on the essence of the NEET population and its subgroups. Reasons behind the educational and professional inactivity of the youth were identified. Reports published by the Eurostat, Poland’s statistics in form of Diagnoza społeczna 2015 results and reports by the Institute of Educational Studies comprised the source of information. For a relatively long time the possibility of social advancement owing to education remained within the reach of solely the most ambitious individuals who left the country as les miraculés or les héritiers – “heirs” equipped in culture capital, successors to family educational biographies. There appear substantial differences in this sphere between individual EU member states, which can reach several dozen percent. In the comparative analysis, the NEET population inhabiting rural areas of Poland comprised over 16% in 2008, almost 21% in 2013 and over 17% in 2017. The attempt of diagnosing poses a strategic challenge to the rural EU areas as regards the selection of appropriate solutions resulting from the specificity of the motives for belonging to the NEET group.}, title={Les miraculés a bierność edukacyjna i zawodowa młodych mieszkańców wsi – case study Polska i kraje UE = Les miraculés versus educationally and economically inactive young inhabitants of rural areas – case study of Poland and EU}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/igipz/Content/76843/PDF/WA51_98990_r2018-t52_SOW-Mijal.pdf}, keywords={strategy, education, professional passivity, NEET}, }