@misc{Kroczak_Rafał._Autor_Granica_2020, author={Kroczak, Rafał. Autor and Bryndal, Tomasz. Autor and Biały, Szymon. Autor and Pylypovych, Olga. Autor and Andreychuk, Yurij. Autor and Rutar, Anna. Autor}, volume={92}, number={1}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, address={Warszawa}, journal={Przegląd Geograficzny}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={IGiPZ PAN}, language={pol}, abstract={Hydrological investigations require the development of a geodatabase allowing for the calculation of physiographic catchment parameters, as well as the analysis of amounts of water resources and changes therein. Such a geodatabase usually consists of meteorological, hydrological and cartographic data. The present study offers a review of datasets that may be used for geodatabase development in the interests of hydrological research, in catchments located in the Polish-Ukrainian borderland. The catchment of the Wiar River – selected to serve as a case study – is in fact divided by the state border into two equal sub-catchments (395.5 km2 in Poland and 398.9 km2 in Ukraine).The results reveal disparities in the spatial distribution of stream and meteorological gauges. For the Polish part of the catchment datasets include many parameters (in accordance with EU Directive and Regulations) and the results from monitoring are available online as yearly reports. For the Ukrainian part, only chemical components are monitored, and these data are not made available publicly. Consistent data sets such as DEM can be obtained from globally available ASTER and SRTM models. Datasets, such as LiDAR, which are important for medium and large-scale analyses allowing for the development of high-resolution DEMs, do not exist. Use of TanDEM-X data is restricted for the Ukrainian territory. However, comparison between the SRTM and LiDAR models (for the Polish part) revealed that the SRTM model may be optimised to serve the whole area. Land-use and land-cover data (LULC) are important in many hydrological analyses. the authors propose using satellite images in the development of a comparable layer describing land cover of the whole catchment.}, type={Text}, title={Granica państwa a spójność danych dla potrzeb analiz hydrologicznych. Studium przypadku dla zlewni Wiaru na pograniczu polsko-ukraińskim = A state border and the integrity of data for hydrological analysis. A case study of the River Wiar catchment on the Poland-Ukraine borderland}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/igipz/Content/125088/PDF/WA51_157244_r2020-t92-nr1_Przeg-Geogr-Kroczak.pdf}, keywords={hydrological analysis, transborder catchments, integrity of data, monitoring}, }