@misc{Churski_Paweł_Czynniki_2015, author={Churski, Paweł and Borowczak, Anna and Perdał, Robert}, volume={37}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 3.0 PL license}, address={Warszawa}, journal={Studia Obszarów Wiejskich}, howpublished={online}, year={2015}, publisher={IGiPZ PAN}, publisher={PTG}, language={pol}, abstract={The analysis is aimed at assessing the value and structure of EU structural investments in terms of their compliance with specific needs of economic stagnation areas in Poland, whereas these needs result from shaping and enhancing the development factors of the areas. The subject of analysis are economic stagnation areas delimited with k-smooth cluster analysis based upon values of meta-synthetic Z-score index measured within the period of 2000–2010 in set of NTS 4 units. First step of the research procedure rests upon identifying the development factors of economic stagnation areas in both holistic and partial approaches to socio-economic development. The second step of procedure aims to determine the value and structure of EU investments in both their total allocations and by allocation corresponding to the relevant aspect of socio-economic development. The analysis foreseen in this step of procedure is carried out on set of NTS 4 units within the eligible period of financing i.e. 2004–2010. The final step of procedure encompasses the analysis of correspondence between the value and structure of EU investments and development factors as identified for economic stagnation areas. The obtained results of the study allow for drawing recommendations on targeting the investments of development policy in local level economic stagnation areas, in order to efficiently shape and enhance their development factors. The results presented here come from one of the stages of a research conducted under the project Socio-economic development and the formation of areas of economic growth and stagnation, funded by the National Science Centre (N N306 791940), performed by the authors of this study}, type={Text}, title={Czynniki rozwoju obszarów stagnacji w Polsce a ukierunkowanie interwencji środków unijnych = Development factors for economic stagnation areas in Poland in light of targeting the EU structural investments}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/igipz/Content/55722/PDF/WA51_76011_r2015-t37_SOW-Churski.pdf}, keywords={economic stagnation areas, socio-economic development aspects, factors of development, EU investments}, }