@misc{Wojtyra_Bartosz_Zasoby_2017, author={Wojtyra, Bartosz}, volume={45}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 3.0 PL license}, address={Warszawa}, journal={Studia Obszarów Wiejskich}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={PAN IGiPZ}, publisher={PTG}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of the paper is to underline the importance of land as a local resource in rural area development, particularly in the context of land management and policy. The identification and characteristics of planning conditions and planning process cycle for the new centre of Rokietnica – an administrative and economic hub of the rural commune in the district of Poznań, have allowed to show the complexity and importance of the strategic approach to space management in rural areas if the suburban area. The analysis of the new space planning process for the village has allowed to present the project implementation objectives as well as the contributory factors and barriers encountered during the project implementation. Simultaneously, the paper identifies good practices in local resource management and in spatial policies of the rural commune. The Rokietnica based study was induced by a specific location of the commune and by the related change of the village character and intentional comprehensive approach of the self-government authorities to the spatial planning. It is worth mentioning the extensive cooperation involving the inhabitants, local authorities, representatives of the scientific community and urban planners/architects during the development of spatial planning concept. Also, the application of innovative techniques of public consultations, presentation of design criteria, scale of undertaking and its conditions are noteworthy.}, type={Text}, title={Zasoby lokalne w planowaniu przestrzennym centrum wsi – studium przypadku Rokietnicy = Local resources in spatial planning – case study of Rokietnica}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/igipz/Content/63452/PDF/WA51_83181_r2017-t45_SOW-Wojtyra.pdf}, keywords={local resources, spatial planning, Rokietnica, urbanized village}, }