@misc{Traczyk_Anna_Gospodarstwa_2017, author={Traczyk, Anna}, volume={47}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 3.0 PL license}, address={Warszawa}, journal={Studia Obszarów Wiejskich}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={PAN IGiPZ}, publisher={PTG}, language={pol}, abstract={Orchard holdings play an important role in rural development in the Grójec county. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the number of holdings specialising in fruit production in this area has been steadily increasing. With the increase in the number of holdings, significant changes are taking place also in terms of their functioning. These changes are caused by technological progress, as well as imposed European Union policy demanding adaptation of the holdings and their production systems to the norms and standards of the EU Member States. Since Poland has joined the European Union, the level of holdings development is steadily improving. The level of equipment of holding with durable means of production is improving and thanks to that holdings have the opportunity to archive better production results and higher income from production. The increase in holdings income contributes to the improvement of the economic situation of the villages. Technological development is accompanied by intellectual development (an increase in the level of educational attainment), which manifests as the increase in the quality of human capital in the villages. The functioning of the fruit farms entails the implementation of the number of investments in rural areas, which contributes to their development. In the holdings are created modern facilities for storing fruit. In the rural areas arises the number of entities serving orchard holdings, for example the purchases of fruit, fruit processing plants and distribution points of protection products, fertilizers and machinery. In this article the orchard holdings operating in Grójec county are characterised in terms of their land resources, human resources and durable means of production. The description of orchard holdings was based on the results of the own research and study, conducted in 2015, as well as on the results of the Agricultural Census in 1996 and 2010.}, type={Text}, title={Gospodarstwa sadownicze jako zasób lokalny rozwoju wsi w powiecie grójeckim = Orchard holdings as a local potential for rural development in Grójec county}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/igipz/Content/64589/PDF/WA51_83997_r2017-t47_SOW-Traczyk.pdf}, keywords={orchard holding, local potential, rural area, Grójec county}, }