Object structure

Analiza wysokości opadów maksymalnych z modelu PMAXTP i ich zastosowanie do weryfikacji działania miejskiego systemu odwodnienia = Analysis of maximum rainfall amounts from the PMAXTP model, and their application in verifying the performance of an urban drainage system


Przegląd Geograficzny T. 96 z. 4 (2024)


Barszcz, Mariusz Paweł : Autor Affiliation ORCID ; Kazanowska, Ewa : Autor Affiliation ORCID ; Wasilewicz, Michał : Autor Affiliation ORCID



Place of publishing:


Date issued/created:



24 cm

Subject and Keywords:

PMAXTP rainfall model ; Bogdanowicz-Stachy model ; Błaszczyk model ; maximum rainfall ; SWMM hdyrodynamic model ; stormwater sewer system


Accurate determination of rainfall amount in a catchment area, in the context of its duration and exceedance probability, forms the basis for design, verification, and operation of urban drainage systems. The development and implementation of PMAXTP rainfall models by IMGW-PIB in 2022, covering the entire territory of Poland, provides free access to current and reliable information on local maximum rainfall amounts (intensities). This study presents the results of analyses comparing rainfall amounts with specific characteristics (durations ranging from 5 to 4320 minutes and probabilities from 50 to 2%), determined from the PMAXTP model for the Warsaw-Bielany meteorological station, against corresponding values from the traditionally used Błaszczyk and Bogdanowicz-Stachý models. The analyses also included verification of the spatial variability of rainfall from the PMAXTP models and the stormwater sewer system`s performance in the Chopin Airport area. It was found that the currentrainfall amounts (quantiles) from the PMAXTP model generally exhibit lower values compared to the corresponding data from the Bogdanowicz-Stachý model. Significant differences were indicatedin the rainfall amounts from the PMAXTP models for the Warsaw-Bielany and Świder measurement stations, which are approximately 27 km apart. As a result of hydrodynamic simulations in the SWMM model, it was determined that adopted rainfall models significantly impact the stormwater flow values in the studied catchment. Information was obtained about the occurrence of overloads in specific stormwater sewer pipes and rainwater overflows from the stormwater sewer system in the area of Chopin Airport.


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Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund





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