@misc{Januszek-Sieradzka_Agnieszka_(1978–_)_Tajemnica, author={Januszek-Sieradzka, Agnieszka (1978– )}, editor={Czwojdrak, Bożena : Editor}, editor={Piber-Zbieranowska, Marta (1974– ) : Editor}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY-ND 4.0 license}, address={Warszawa}, journal={Konsylia Historyczno-Medyczne}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, language={pol}, abstract={Almost 470 years after the death of Queen Barbara nee Radziwiłł, wife of King Sigismund II Augustus, the reasons for her premature death are still not fully explained. The alleged poisoning of the beautiful Lithuanian queen and the rumour that she died of syphilis were taken into account. Her contemporaries also speculated that the queen died of a “disease called cancer”. The first wave of scientific interest in the cause of Barbara’s death resulted from the discovery of a coffin with her earthly remains in the vaults of Vilnius Cathedral in 1931. It was then agreed that Barbara died of a “woman’s disease”. The discussion was resumed in the 1970s thanks to Zbigniew Kuchowicz, who regarded cervical cancer as the most probable cause of the queen’s death. This thesis - based on a comprehensive source basis - was supported by a team of Lithuanian researchers, historians and doctors, who in 2015 took another look at this still mysterious case.}, type={Text}, title={Tajemnica śmierci Barbary Radziwiłłówny : źródła i historiografia}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/ihpan/Content/233473/PDF/WA303_270423_e-book_Januszek-Sieradzka.pdf}, keywords={medicine - history - Poland, Barbara Radziwiłłówna, Consort of Sigismund II Augustus, King of Poland, 1520-1551, disease, cause of death, biological history, modern medicine, modern pharmacy}, }