@misc{Rajman_Jerzy_(1962–_)_Kwartalnik_1994, author={Rajman, Jerzy (1962– ) and Dygdała, Jerzy (1945– ) and Barciak, Antoni (1947– ) and Radzimiński, Andrzej (1958– ) and Wajs, Hubert and Litak, Stanisław (1932–2010) and Kiec, Olgierd (1965– ) and Gąsowski, Tomasz (1947– ) and Galos, Adam (1924–2013) and Ney-Krwawicz, Marek (1956– ) and Jankowiak, Stanisław (1958– ) and Kiepurska, Halina and Tazbir, Janusz (1927–2016)}, volume={101}, number={3}, editor={Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, address={Warszawa}, journal={Kwartalnik Historyczny}, howpublished={online}, year={1994}, publisher={Wydawnictwo Naukowe "Semper"}, language={pol}, type={Text}, title={Kwartalnik Historyczny R. 101 nr 3 (1994), Recenzje}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/ihpan/Content/2026/PDF/WA303_3992_KH101-r1994-R101-nr3_Kwartalnik-Historyczny%2005%20Artykuly%20recenzyjne%20i%20recenzje%20-%20Kopia.pdf}, keywords={history, historiography}, }