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Pięć "Ojczyzn" i dwa "Diabły" : zbiór studiów o prasie polonijnej i emigracyjnej w latach 1865–1918 ; Wybrane tematy poruszane na łamach prasy polonijnej
Creator:Gąsiorowski, Stefan (1966– ) : Redakcja
Publisher: Place of publishing: Date issued/created: Description:p. 205-229 : illustrations ; Publication funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland, as a part of the National Programme for the Development of Humanities, 2018-2024
Subject and Keywords:emigration ; Polish diaspora ; Polish Americans ; United States ; Dziennik Chicagoski [The Polish Daily News] ; Jews ; antisemitism ; Polish periodicals - foreign countries - history ; Poland - emigration and immigration - history - 19th century ; Poland - emigration and immigration - history - 20th century ; Polish people - foreign countries - history ; Polish people - foreign countries - intellectual life - history
In the article, there is shown an image of Jews in the Polish diaspora press in the USA from the years 1890–1918 on the example of Dziennik Chicagoski [The Polish Daily News] which was popular at the time. Other than showing Jewish threads, this newspaper searches for an answer to the question as to what extent the contents included in it reliably describe or inform about the history, the culture, and the life of Jews on the Polish lands and in the world, and to what extent it is solely an evocation of the often anti-Jewish or even antisemitic views of the then Polish Americans. Essentially, we learn from this periodical about the Polish Americans’ mentality and their negative views on the topic of the so-called Jewish question. The Jewish contents embodied in it are usually borrowed from other Polish and American newspapers, including the ones published by Jews, as well as diverse elaborations of the topic, often falsifying reality, but sometimes trustworthy.
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Projects co-financed by:National Programme for the Development of the Humanities