@misc{Mrózek_Robert_Categorial_2015, author={Mrózek, Robert}, volume={LIX (59)}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, journal={Onomastica}, address={Kraków}, howpublished={online}, year={2015}, publisher={Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN}, language={pol}, abstract={The toponomastic scale of research interests covers the functional specificity of the onomastic components of macrotoponymy, microtoponymy, oronymy and hydronymy as specific language signs, reflecting various natural, economic and social phenomena. The categorical functionality of 01_mrozek.indd 37 2015-11-26 07:32:18ROBERT MRÓZEK38anthroponymy is realised in a three-part systemic set, a name-surname unit, which is occasionally complemented by a pseudonym component or a nickname. All areas of the country have a characteristic distribution of certain forms and provenance of personal names, illustrating also relevant social and ethnic phenomena as well as some background cultural aspects. The basic categorical component of zoonymy is folklore zoonymy, which is complemented by the so-called “urban zoonymy” (urbo zoonymy) and by literary zoonymy. Chrematonymy as a set of names connected with various institutional names, companies, commerce and service facilities, as well as products, accumulates different functions, including persuasion and advertising. The onomastic models of cosmonymy are represented by a set of names from different sources, differentiating their official and local-dialect character.}, type={Text}, title={Categorial determinants of diversity of onymic language functionality in a synchronic and diachronic perspective}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/ijp/Content/57719/PDF/1.Mr%C4%82%C5%82zek.pdf}, keywords={onymic sphere of language; categorial components (toponymy, anthroponymy, zoonymy, cosmonymy, chrematonymy); function specificity}, }