@misc{Ainiala_Terhi_Aspects_2020, author={Ainiala, Terhi}, volume={LXIV (64)}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, address={Kraków}, journal={Onomastica}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, language={eng}, abstract={This article examines the localness of commercial names in Finland and focusses specifically on thenames of grill food kiosks and products. There are two research objectives: firstly, to determine thenumber of local names that occur in the material, and secondly, to analyse how these names workas indexes of localness. This article explores the claim by sociolinguist Barbara Johnstone that particularlinguistic forms can index meanings along a variety of dimensions and some forms may indexlocality. Furthermore, these types of linguistic forms can be used in discourses that shape people’ssenses of place and the social identities associated with place.Of the 15 names of kiosks, almost all names, a total of 13 names, can be interpreted as manifestinglocal characteristics. Most of the kiosk names include a local place name. Of the product names, morethan half (46 out of 84 names) are to be construed as describing something local. Although most ofthe local names in the group of product names include a local place name, personal names are alsorather common. In addition, local dialect or slang is also visible in the product names. Another typeof reference to a region appears in two kiosk names and in some of the product names. These namesconstitute a special case and demonstrate how local history can be incorporated in names creatively.}, type={Text}, title={Aspects of localness: a pilot study of kiosk and grill food names in Finland}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/ijp/Content/162835/PDF/14.pdf}, keywords={localness, commercial names, product names, company names, Finland}, }