@misc{Fidziańska-Dolot_Anna_(1930–2015)_Files_2013, author={Fidziańska-Dolot, Anna (1930–2015)}, editor={Mossakowski Medical Research Center Polish Academy of Sciences. Department of Neuromuscular}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, address={Warsaw}, howpublished={online}, year={2013}, language={pol}, abstract={An 62-year-old patinet with suspected myopathy was examined. A biopsy of quadriceps sinister was perfommed. Ultarstructural assessment showed the presence of numerous fibers characterized by myofibril loss.The sarcomer structure was abnormal. In the cytoplasm of muscle fibers, nuclei with detached outer membrane forming vacuole were present.}, type={Text}, title={Files for neuromuscular diseases (2013) - nr 31/13}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/imdik/Content/112727/PDF/31_13_calosc.pdf}, keywords={Myopathy}, }