@misc{Fidziańska-Dolot_Anna_(1930–2015)_Files_2011, author={Fidziańska-Dolot, Anna (1930–2015)}, editor={Mossakowski Medical Research Center Polish Academy of Sciences. Department of Neuromuscular}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, address={Warsaw}, howpublished={online}, year={2011}, language={pol}, abstract={A 61-year-old patient was examined. Electronmicroscopy analysis revealed ultrastructurally unchanged muscle fibers and normal myofibrils structure. Some of mitochondria were unchanged but some were swollen, characterized be light mitochondrial matrix and partially devoid of mitochondrial cristae.}, type={Text}, type={Image}, title={Files for neuromuscular diseases (2011) - nr 35/11}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/imdik/Content/136500/PDF/35_11_calosc.pdf}, }