@misc{Gannushkina_I.V._Postresuscitation_1990, author={Gannushkina I.V. and Mossakowski, Mirosław Jan (1929 - 2001) i in.}, volume={3}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY-SA 4.0 license}, journal={Patołogicheskaja Fizjologija i Eksperimentalnaja Terapija}, address={Moskva}, howpublished={online}, year={1990}, publisher={Izd. Medicina}, language={rus}, abstract={Experiments were conducted on, rats, with temporary (10 min) clamoing of the thoracic vascular bundle and subsequent resuscitation to study the premeability of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) to plasma albumins and globulins and to blood plasma immunoglobulins in different stages of the postresuscitation period> Mild increase of BBB premeability was detected 3 minutes after the beginning of recirculation. Promeability increased markedly in 24 hours and continued growing by the 72nd hour. At s 1-3 hour interval in recirculation the BBB was closed. The obtained results discodse the mechanisms of the development of autoimmune cerebral disorders in on organism that experienced cardiac arrest and resuscitation.}, type={Text}, title={Postresuscitation changes of blood-brain barrier permeability and their possible pathogenetic importance.}, title={Postreanimacjonnye izmenenija pronicaemosti gematoencefalicheskogo bar'iera i ich vozmoźnoe patogeneticheskoe znachenie}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/imdik/Content/69887/PDF/Fizjologia%20patologiczna%20i%20terapia%20eksperymentalna.pdf}, keywords={Blood, proteins -- metabolism, Immunoglobulins-- metabolism, Brain diseases-- physiopathology, Blood-brain barrier -- physiology}, }