@misc{_1964, volume={36}, number={5}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, address={Warszawa}, journal={Polski PrzeglÄ…d Chirurgiczny 1964}, howpublished={online}, year={1964}, publisher={PZWL}, language={pol}, abstract={The origin of flatulence gas in paralytic ileus remains unknown till now. Composition of intestinal flatulence gas in paralytic ileus was examined and compared with composition of intestinal gas accumulating in mechanical ileus. Examination of intestinal gas composition was carried out in dogs, divided into 2 groups; the first group involved animals, in whom fecal peritonitis was produced; to the second group belonged animals, in whom peritonitis was caused by pancreatic necrosis. Following conclusions were drawn from this experimental work: 1) composition of intestinal flatulence gas in paralytic ileus, caused by bacterial peritonitis in dogs differs from the composition of intestinal gas in mechanical ileus; 2) intestinal gas filling out the small intestine in mechanical ileus contains strikingly high amount of carbon dioxide and hydrogen.}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/imdik/Content/80934/PDF/Patomechanizm.pdf}, }