@misc{Olszewski_Waldemar_Signs_1972, author={Olszewski, Waldemar and Polański, Jerzy and Sawicki, Zbigniew}, volume={11}, number={6}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license}, journal={Polish Medical Journal}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={1972}, publisher={PZWL}, language={eng}, abstract={Biochemical alterations developing during the early rejection of the allogenic liver transplant in the dog were studied. Experimental animals were divided into 3 groups: I — orthotopic liver transplantation without immunosuppressive therapy, II — orthotopic liver transplantation with immunosuppressive therapy, III — no transplantation, the same immunosuppressive regimen as in group II. Results of the studies indicate that the most characteristic sign of early rejection of the liver transplant was an increase in serum bilirubin level. High serum bilirubin levels indicate irreversible alterations in the liver parenchyma. Any trials to modify the immunosuppressive regimen at that time remain usually ineffective.}, title={Signs of early rejection of liver transplant in dogs}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/imdik/Content/81351/PDF/Signs.pdf}, }