@misc{Roszkowska-Chojecka_Malwina_Lokalny_2015, author={Roszkowska-Chojecka, Malwina}, editor={Kompanowska-Jezierska, Elżbieta}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2015}, publisher={Medical Research Center Polish Academy of Sciences}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of study was to deterine physiological parametres with biochemical parametres (angiotensin II level in tissues and plasma, Ang II), that let us take a look on chymase and other chymastation sensitive enzymes role in the devlopment of hypertension in various hypertension miodels in rat. The in vivo role these enzymes in various hypertension models in tissues and plasma has been determined. We used genetic model of hypertension in two different stages (SHR7 in the developing stage and SHR 16 in the established stage hypertension), sodium-dependent (UNX HS) and renal artery stenosis-dependent -Goldblatt model, 2K1C). The in vivo effects of simultaneous blockade of systemic and tissue rennin-angiotensin-aldosterone system ( RAAS) on blood pressure and renal function in SHR has been established.The last part of this study was the veryfication of peptides from rapesseeds and its potential value in antyhypertension treatment on cardiovascular system and renal excertion in genetic model of hypertension (SHR). As our in vivo study indicated, that chymostatin sensitive enzymes play a substantial role in plasma and tissue regulation of Ang II content, and combined inhobition of two different pathways of Ang II synthesis ( systemic and tissue RAAS) could be much more effucient in the treatment of hypertension.}, title={Lokalny układ renina-angiogestyna-aldosteron (RAAS) w kontroli ciśnienia tętniczego i funkcji nerek-potencjalna antyhipertensyjna rola peptydów z nasion rzepaku u szczurów w narkozie}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/imdik/Content/58993/PDF/WA697_78689_ZS360_Lokalny-uklad-Roszko_0000.pdf}, keywords={Antihypertension treatment, Hypertension, Chymase, Chymostatin, Captopril, Angiotensin II level}, }