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Matyja, Ewa ; Grieb, Paweł ; Ryba, Mirosław ; Jagielski, Janusz ; Mossakowski, Mirosław Jan (1929–2001)
Publisher: Place of publishing: Date issued/created: Subject and Keywords:glial tumors ; cladribine (2-CdA) ; 2-bromo-2’-deoxyadenosine ; organotypic cultures ; mitochondrial toxicity
Abstract:The effects of 2-chloro-2’-deoxyadenosine (cladribine, 2-CdA) and a closely related compound 2-bromo-2’-deoxyadenosi- ne (2-BdA) on organotypic cultures of human malignant gliomas were studied with the use of electron microscopy. The cultures grown from surgical biopsies included six glioblastomas, three anaplastic astrocytomas and low-grade fibrillary astrocytoma. After 6 to 10 days of the in vitro growth the cultures were exposed to 0.3-10 /iM 2-CdA or 2-BdA for 1 to 10 days. Mitochondrial swelling and disappearance of cristae following exposure to the tested substances were observed, but only in highly anaplastic (low-differentiated) tumor cells. The mitochondrial toxicity was dose- and time-dependent, and no difference was found between the effect of 2-CdA and 2-BdA.
Relation: Volume: Issue: Start page: End page: Resource type: Detailed Resource Type: Format: Language: Language of abstract: Rights:Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license
Terms of use:Copyright-protected material. [CC BY 4.0] May be used within the scope specified in Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license, full text available at: ; -
Digitizing institution:Mossakowski Medical Research Institute PAS
Original in:Library of the Mossakowski Medical Research Institute PAS
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