@misc{Hohol_Tetiana_Reform_2022, author={Hohol, Tetiana and Tsybulska, Julia}, number={2 (195)}, address={Warszawa}, journal={Wieś i Rolnictwo}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Instytut Rozwoju Wsi i Rolnictwa Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, language={pl}, abstract={Optimisation of the vertical organisation of state power is a comprehensive step towards formation of full-functional local governments and an effective system of administrative-territorial organisation of the country. Deciding to decentralize, Ukraine has chosen a model of administrative-territorial system completely different from that of the early 1990s. On the basis of the research conducted, the given article analyses the genesis of scientific approaches to understanding the decentralisation process. The essence, periodisation and stages of power decentralisation in Ukraine, its main features and the purpose of its application to local government are defined. The key opportunities provided by decentralisation for the development of local governments are analysed, and the problems of choosing a form of decentralisation that would optimally take into account the resource potential of a certain territory are examined. The main challenges facing local governments and the central government in the process of implementing the decentralisation reform are identified, especially in the conditions of current Russia’s war against Ukraine. It was concluded that successful implementation of decentralisation reform is possible only with a cohesive community of residents, strong institutions and efficient public administration.}, title={Reform of Local Self-Government and Territorial Organisation of the Authorities of Ukrainian Through Decentralisation}, type={Text}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/irwir/Content/241297/wir_2022_2_195_011_037.pdf}, keywords={decentralisation, administrative and territorial reform, local government, local community, Ukraine}, }