@misc{Możdżonek_Małgorzata_Determination_2020, author={Możdżonek Małgorzata and Caban Piotr and Gaca Jarosław and Wójcik Marek and Piątkowska Anna}, volume={48}, number={1-4}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, address={Warsaw}, journal={Electronic Materials}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={Łukasiewicz – ITME}, language={eng}, abstract={Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) is an attractive material for applications in electronics. The technology of devices basedon BN requires non-destructive and fast methods of controlling the parameters of the produced layers. Boron nitride layersof different thickness were grown on sapphire substrates (Al2O3) using the MOCVD method. The obtained films werecharacterized by FT-IR spectroscopy using IRR and ATR techniques and by the XRR and SEM methods. We showed thatby analyzing the ATR or reflectance spectrum in the range of 600-2500 cm-1 we can measure the thickness of a BN layeron the Al2O3 substrate. Our measuring method allows measuring the layers with a thickness from ~2 nm to approx. 20 nm.}, type={Text}, title={Determination of the thickness of BN layers on the Al2O3substrate by FT-IR spectroscopy}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/itme/Content/156161/PDF/M_Mozdzonek_2020.pdf}, keywords={h-BN layers, ATR, ITR, XRR, thickness measurement, Al2O3}, }