@misc{Cuber_Wanda_Badanie_1978, author={Cuber Wanda}, number={1}, editor={Włosiński Władysław}, copyright={Rights Reserved - Free Access}, address={Warszawa}, journal={Proceedings of ONPMP}, howpublished={online}, year={1978}, publisher={Wydaw. Przem. Masz. "WEMA"}, language={pol}, type={Text}, title={Badanie wpływu warunków łączenia ceramiki korundowej z metalem na kinetykę tworzenia się warstwy spinelowej = Investigations of influence of bonding condition of Al2O3 ceramic with metal on the kinetic of spinel layer for formation}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/itme/Content/29340/PDF/WA901_17313_r1978-z1_Prace-ONPMP-Cuber_i.pdf}, keywords={Electronic - journal - material, Electronic materials, ceramic-metal joint, transition layer, Al2O3 ceramic}, }