RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Hazards of electromagnetic radiation


Jeleński Andrzej

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Zagrożenia przez promieniowanie elektromagnetyczne


Łukasiewicz – ITME

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After a brief overview of the nature of electromagnetic (EM) radiation and its sources, the article presents selected findingsconcerning the risks caused by low-frequency EM fields emitted by 50 Hz high-voltage power lines and home appliances.These sources of radiation affect mainly the nervous system and may contribute to the development of cancer. On the otherhand, the impact of high frequency EM fields emitted by radio and television transmitters, and mobile phones originatemainly from dielectric losses leading to body heating (thermal hazards) as well as from some non-thermal hazards, whichhave been less extensively investigated. The remote consequences include: auditory and behavioural effects, blood--brain barrier disruption and cancer. The examples of the recommendations and standards developed by the internationaland national organizations are also presented.


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