RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Electronic \- materials] OR [Subject and Keywords = Electronic \- journal \- materials] OR [Subject and Keywords = alumina\-metal joint] OR [Subject and Keywords = mechanical properties] OR [Subject and Keywords = Materiały elektroniczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = Elektronika \- czasopismo \- materiały] OR [Subject and Keywords = złącze caramika\-metal] OR [Subject and Keywords = własności mechaniczne] OR [Title = Alumina\-FeNi42 foil and AgCuTiIn alloy joints and their high thermal shock resistance = Odporność na wstrząsy cieplne złącza ceramika\-metal alundowa \- FeNi42 oraz wtopu AgCuTiIn] OR [Title = Alumina\-FeNi42 foil and AgCuTiIn alloy joints and their high thermal shock resistance] OR [Creator = Włosiński Władysław K.] OR [Creator = Włosiński Władysław K.]

Number of results: 918

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Materiały Elektroniczne


Materiały Elektroniczne


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