RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = silver nanopowders] OR [Subject and Keywords = structure of silver crystallite] OR [Subject and Keywords = organic phase in nanosilver powder] OR [Subject and Keywords = thermal reduction of precursor] OR [Subject and Keywords = XRD method for nanosilver powders] OR [Subject and Keywords = nanoproszek srebra] OR [Subject and Keywords = struktura siatkowa krystalitów srebra] OR [Subject and Keywords = faza organiczna nanoziaren srebra] OR [Subject and Keywords = rozkład termiczny prekursora] OR [Subject and Keywords = XRD nanoziaren srebra] OR [Title = Selection of parameters used in thermal reduction process of nanosilver powder precursor aimed at obtaining optimal structure of silver crystallites] OR [Title = Dobór parametrów procesu termicznego rozkładu prekursora nanoproszku srebra w celu uzyskania optymalnej struktury krystalitów srebra] OR [Creator = Pawłowski Radosław] OR [Creator = Pawłowski Radosław]

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