RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Electronic \- journal \- materials] OR [Subject and Keywords = Electronic \- materials] OR [Subject and Keywords = power SSL\-LED] OR [Subject and Keywords = assembly technology] OR [Subject and Keywords = exploitation parameters] OR [Subject and Keywords = thermal resistance] OR [Subject and Keywords = Materiały elektroniczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = Elektronika \- czasopismo \- materiały] OR [Subject and Keywords = diody mocy LED] OR [Subject and Keywords = parametr eksploatacyjny] OR [Subject and Keywords = rezystancja termiczna] OR [Title = The influence of assembly technology on exploatation parameters of power SSL\-LEDs = Wpływ technologii montażu na parametry eksploatacyujne SSL\-LED\-ów mocy] OR [Title = The influence of assembly technology on exploatation parameters of power SSL\-LEDs] OR [Creator = Grzesiak Wojciech] OR [Creator = Grzesiak Wojciech]

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