@misc{Bazyluk_Władysław_(1910–1988)_Materiały_2002, author={Bazyluk, Władysław (1910–1988)}, volume={1}, number={1}, copyright={Creative Commons Attribution BY 3.0 PL license}, address={Warszawa}, journal={Nowy Pamiętnik Fizjograficzny, t. 1, z. 1 (2002)}, howpublished={online}, year={2002 (wyd. 2002-2003)}, publisher={Towarzystwo Fizjograficzne}, language={pol}, abstract={Siemień in the Lublin province and he collected materiał to studies of dragonflies. The area covered by the research was about 100 km2 and from there the author recorded 39 species, i. e. approximately 56% of the Polish odonatofauna. The area abounds in various types of streams and stagnant water bodies of which Staw Siemieński (Pond of Siemień) is one of the biggest water bodies of this type in Poland. In the vicinity of Siemień there also are peatbogs with big or smali water bodies. Of the species recorded from there, the most interesting are representaties of three groups: 1) rheophilous species: Calopteryx splendens, C. virgo, Platycnemis pennipes, Ophiogomphus serpentinus; 2) lacustrine species: Ischnura elegans, Enallagma cyathigerum, Erythromma najas, E. viridulum, Aeshna yiridis, Epitheca bimaculata, Orthetrum cancellatum; 3) peatbog species: Sympetrum danae, Leucorrhinia dubia, L. pectoralis, L. rubicunda}, type={Text}, title={Materiały do fauny ważek (Odoncita) okolicy Siemienia w województwie lubelskim}, URL={http://rcin.org.pl/miiz/Content/235617/WA058_271326_P6730_NPF.pdf}, keywords={Odonata, ważki, Siemień}, }