Object structure

Muzeum Tatrzańskie a ochrona przyrody. Korespondencja Janusza Domaniewskiego w latach 1921–1952


Korespondencja Janusza Domaniewskiego w latach 1921–1952


Cegliński, Arkadiusz ; Daszkiewicz, Piotr ; Gwiazdowicz, Dariusz J. (1966– ) ; Iwan, Dariusz ; Kowalski, Hubert ORCID ; Warchałowski, Marcin


Muzeum Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego ; Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii PAN

Place of publishing:


Date issued/created:



23 cm.

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Subject and Keywords:

Domaniewski, Janusz (1891-1954) ; Zborowski, Juliusz (1888–1965) ; Muzeum Tatrzańskie ; Narodowe Muzeum Tatrzańskie im. dra Tytusa Chałubińskiego w Zakopanem ; Muzeum Tatrzańskie im. dra Tytusa Chałubińskiego w Zakopanem ; korespondencja ; Muzeum Tatrzańskie im. Dra Tytusa Chałubińskiego (Zakopane) - historia [KABA] ; Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii PAN - historia


The eighth volume of Memorabilia Zoologica presents a collection of documents,which constitutes a legacy of Janusz Domaniewski. Analyzed sources originated from thearchives of the Museum and Zoological Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsawand the Tatra Museum in Zakopane. The content of the herby presented correspondenceconcerns issues revolving around the broadly understood nature protection of theTatra Mountains in the years 1921–1952. The problems raised in the letters are presentedfrom the perspective of two naturalists, Tatra Mountains enthusiasts, who were employeesof the Tatra Museum. Namely, the curator of the Natural History Department, Janusz Domaniewski,and his friend, Juliusz Zborowski, the director. The correspondence provideshistorical insights on Zakopane and the Museum seen through the eyes of scientists, artists,writers, military, social activists, officials, highlanders, and several other people who livedin the Tatras and Podhale or were associated with this region.Various aspects of the organization and functioning activities of the Museum arepresented. This includes details on obtaining and curating materials for the collection, conductingscientific research, biographical notes of selected curators, applying for funds formaintaining the facility, nature conservation, organization of the exhibitions, developmentof the botanical garden, and cooperation with “Zakłady Kórnickie” Foundation and theState Council for Nature Conservation, as well as with the scientific community in Polandand abroad.Apart from being an important contribution to the biographies of Janusz Domaniewskiand Juliusz Zborowski, the letters published in Memorabilia Zoologica constitute a valuabletestimony to the history of nature conservation and scientific museography in the TatraMountains. Furthermore, they reveal a unique image of Zakopane as a center of life andleisure for the artistic, literary, scientific, and political elites of the Second Polish Republic.The presented letters often discuss the problems of private life, social and family relationships,and sometimes gossip – all these topics make for fascinating reading of descriptionsof everyday life in Zakopane. The monographic study of Janusz Domaniewski's correspondencepresented in the eighth volume of Memorabilia Zoologica constitutes another valuabledocument of the history of science.


Memorabilia Zoologica NS 8, 2023



Start page:


End page:


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Detailed Resource Type:


Resource Identifier:

ISSN 0076-6372 ; ISBN 978-83-88147-26-5


MiIZ PAN, sygn. P.4597 ; click here to follow the link




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Original in:

Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences





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