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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Cymatia apparens] OR [Subject and Keywords = Anisops nasutus] OR [Subject and Keywords = Sigara horni] OR [Subject and Keywords = Insecta] OR [Subject and Keywords = insects] OR [Subject and Keywords = Hemiptera] OR [Subject and Keywords = bugs, true] OR [Subject and Keywords = rhynchota] OR [Subject and Keywords = siphonata] OR [Subject and Keywords = Heteroptera] OR [Subject and Keywords = true bugs] OR [Subject and Keywords = plant bugs] OR [Subject and Keywords = new taxa] OR [Subject and Keywords = morphology] OR [Subject and Keywords = China] OR [Subject and Keywords = Shan\-tung sheng \(China\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Shantung, China] OR [Subject and Keywords = Shandong \(China \: Province\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Shandong Sheng \(China\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Deutsches Entomologisches Institut \(Berlin\-Dahlem\) \- 1928 r.] OR [Subject and Keywords = Cymatia apparens \- addition to the description] OR [Subject and Keywords = Anisops fieberi] OR [Subject and Keywords = Anisops niveus] OR [Subject and Keywords = Anisops niveus \- addition to description] OR [Subject and Keywords = Cymatia apparens \-\- Chiny \-\- Szantung \(prowincja\) \-\- morfologia \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Anisops nasutus \-\- Chiny \-\- Szantung \(prowincja\) \-\- morfologia \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Sigara horni \-\- Chiny \-\- Szantung \(prowincja\) \-\- nowe taksony \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = pluskwiaki różnoskrzydłe] OR [Subject and Keywords = Cymatia apparens \- uzupełnienie opisu] OR [Subject and Keywords = Anisops niveus \- uzupełnienie opisu] OR [Subject and Keywords = owady] OR [Subject and Keywords = Insecta] OR [Subject and Keywords = Hemiptera] OR [Subject and Keywords = rhynchota] OR [Subject and Keywords = siphonata] OR [Subject and Keywords = Heteroptera] OR [Subject and Keywords = Deutsches Entomologisches Institut \(Berlin\-Dahlem\) \- 1928 r.] OR [Subject and Keywords = Anisops fieberi] OR [Subject and Keywords = Anisops niveus] OR [Title = O trzech gatunkach pluskwiaków wodnych z Chin] OR [Title = O trzech gatunkach pluskwiaków wodnych z Chin] OR [Creator = Jaczewski, Tadeusz \(1899–1974\)] OR [Creator = Jaczewski, Tadeusz \(1899–1974\)]

Number of results: 1 729

Items per page:

Jaczewski, Tadeusz (1899–1974)


Poisson, Raymond A. Jaczewski, Tadeusz (1899–1974)


Jaczewski, Tadeusz (1899–1974)


Jaczewski, Tadeusz (1899–1974)


Jaczewski, Tadeusz (1899–1974)


Jaczewski, Tadeusz (1899–1974)


Jaczewski, Tadeusz (1899–1974)


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