RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Megaselia deltofemoralis] OR [Subject and Keywords = Megaselia lavoursensis] OR [Subject and Keywords = Megaselia putescavi] OR [Subject and Keywords = Megaselia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Phoridae] OR [Subject and Keywords = phorid flies] OR [Subject and Keywords = phorids] OR [Subject and Keywords = Brachycera] OR [Subject and Keywords = brachyceran flies] OR [Subject and Keywords = Diptera] OR [Subject and Keywords = flies] OR [Subject and Keywords = Insecta] OR [Subject and Keywords = insects] OR [Subject and Keywords = new species] OR [Subject and Keywords = new taxa] OR [Subject and Keywords = new species to the French fauna] OR [Subject and Keywords = France] OR [Subject and Keywords = Europe] OR [Subject and Keywords = rotholes in trees] OR [Subject and Keywords = Zadrowate \-\- Francja \-\- wykazy faunistyczne \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Megaselia \-\- Francja \-\- wykazy faunistyczne \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Megaselia deltofemoralis \-\- Francja \-\- nowe taksony \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Megaselia lavoursensis \-\- Francja \-\- nowe taksony \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Megaselia putescavi \-\- Francja \-\- nowe taksony \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Phoridae] OR [Subject and Keywords = krótkoczułkie] OR [Subject and Keywords = krótkorogie] OR [Subject and Keywords = Brachycera] OR [Subject and Keywords = muchówki] OR [Subject and Keywords = dwuskrzydłe] OR [Subject and Keywords = Diptera] OR [Subject and Keywords = owady] OR [Subject and Keywords = Insecta] OR [Subject and Keywords = nowe gatunki dla fauny Francji] OR [Subject and Keywords = Europa] OR [Subject and Keywords = zbutwiałe drzewa] OR [Title = Scuttle flies \(Diptera, Phoridae\) reared from tree rotholes in France, including three new species of Megaselia Rondani] OR [Title = Scuttle flies \(Diptera, Phoridae\) reared from tree rotholes in France, including three new species of Megaselia Rondani] OR [Creator = Disney, R. Henry L.] OR [Creator = Withers, Phil] OR [Creator = Disney, R. Henry L.] OR [Creator = Withers, Phil]

Number of results: 117

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