RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = ecology] OR [Subject and Keywords = Poland] OR [Subject and Keywords = Warsaw] OR [Subject and Keywords = Mazovian Lowland] OR [Subject and Keywords = Mazovia \(region\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Insecta] OR [Subject and Keywords = insects] OR [Subject and Keywords = urban fauna] OR [Subject and Keywords = flies] OR [Subject and Keywords = Diptera] OR [Subject and Keywords = brachyceran flies] OR [Subject and Keywords = Brachycera] OR [Subject and Keywords = cluster flies] OR [Subject and Keywords = greenbottles] OR [Subject and Keywords = bluebottles] OR [Subject and Keywords = carrion flies] OR [Subject and Keywords = blow\-flies] OR [Subject and Keywords = Calliphoridae] OR [Subject and Keywords = stable flies] OR [Subject and Keywords = house flies] OR [Subject and Keywords = Muscidae] OR [Subject and Keywords = anthomyd flies] OR [Subject and Keywords = Anthomylidae] OR [Subject and Keywords = Muchowate \-\- ekologia \-\- Polska \-\- Mazowsze \(region\) \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Muchowate \-\- ekologia \-\- Polska \-\- Warszawa \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Muchowate \-\- ekologia \-\- Polska \-\- Mazowiecka, Nizina \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Muchowate \-\- Polska \-\- Mazowiecka, Nizina \-\- wykazy faunistyczne \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Muchowate \-\- Polska \-\- Mazowsze \(region\) \-\- wykazy faunistyczne \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Muchowate \-\- Polska \-\- Warszawa \-\- wykazy faunistyczne \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Śmietkowate \-\- ekologia \-\- Polska \-\- Mazowsze \(region\) \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Śmietkowate \-\- ekologia \-\- Polska \-\- Warszawa \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Śmietkowate \-\- ekologia \-\- Polska \-\- Mazowiecka, Nizina \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Śmietkowate \-\- Polska \-\- Mazowiecka, Nizina \-\- wykazy faunistyczne \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Śmietkowate \-\- Polska \-\- Mazowsze \(region\) \-\- wykazy faunistyczne \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Śmietkowate \-\- Polska \-\- Warszawa \-\- wykazy faunistyczne \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Plujkowate \-\- ekologia \-\- Polska \-\- Mazowsze \(region\) \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Plujkowate \-\- ekologia \-\- Polska \-\- Warszawa \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Plujkowate \-\- ekologia \-\- Polska \-\- Mazowiecka, Nizina \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Plujkowate \-\- Polska \-\- Mazowsze \(region\) \-\- wykazy faunistyczne \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Plujkowate \-\- Polska \-\- Warszawa \-\- wykazy faunistyczne \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Plujkowate \-\- Polska \-\- Mazowiecka, Nizina \-\- wykazy faunistyczne \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Insecta] OR [Subject and Keywords = owady] OR [Subject and Keywords = fauna miasta] OR [Subject and Keywords = Diptera] OR [Subject and Keywords = dwuskrzydłe] OR [Subject and Keywords = muchówki] OR [Subject and Keywords = Brachycera] OR [Subject and Keywords = muchówki krótkoczułkie] OR [Subject and Keywords = krótkorogie] OR [Subject and Keywords = Calliphoridae] OR [Subject and Keywords = muchy plujki] OR [Subject and Keywords = Muscidae] OR [Subject and Keywords = Anthomylidae] OR [Title = Anthomyidae, Muscidae and non\-parasitic Calliphoridae \(Calyptrata, Diptera\) of Warsaw and Mazovia] OR [Title = Anthomyidae, Muscidae and non\-parasitic Calliphoridae \(Calyptrata, Diptera\) of Warsaw and Mazovia] OR [Creator = Górska, Danuta \(1939– \)] OR [Creator = Górska, Danuta \(1939– \)]

Number of results: 82

Items per page:

Walesiak, Michał Komosiński, Karol Feldman, Benedikt Thorn, Simon


Lesiński, Grzegorz Stolarz, Przemysław Gryz, Jakub Dąbrowski, Radosław Krauze-Gryz, Dagny Skrzypiec-Nowak, Przemysław Świć, Jagoda


Buczyński, Paweł Buczyńska, Edyta Tarkowski, Adam Tańczuk, Agnieszka Bojar, Paweł


Padilla, David P Nogales, Manuel Marrero, Patricia


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