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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = conferences] OR [Subject and Keywords = plant cover] OR [Subject and Keywords = synanthropization] OR [Subject and Keywords = environmental aspects] OR [Subject and Keywords = urban flora] OR [Subject and Keywords = indicators \(biology\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = congresses] OR [Subject and Keywords = urban plants] OR [Subject and Keywords = ecology] OR [Subject and Keywords = anthropogenous pressure] OR [Subject and Keywords = Poland] OR [Subject and Keywords = urban drift] OR [Subject and Keywords = urbanization] OR [Subject and Keywords = urbanisation] OR [Subject and Keywords = idicator plants] OR [Subject and Keywords = Urbanizacja \-\- aspekt środowiskowy \-\- Polska \-\- konferencje \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Ekologia miasta \-\- Polska \-\- konferencje \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Rośliny miast \-\- Polska \-\- konferencje \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Bioindykatory \-\- Polska \-\- konferencje \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Synantropizacja \-\- Polska \-\- konferencje \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = presja antropogeniczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = antropopresja] OR [Subject and Keywords = rosliny wskaźnikowe] OR [Title = Indices of synanthropization of flora in Polish cities] OR [Title = Indices of synanthropization of flora in Polish cities] OR [Creator = Sudnik\-Wójcikowska, Barbara \(1952– \)] OR [Creator = Moraczewski, Ireneusz R.] OR [Creator = Sudnik\-Wójcikowska, Barbara \(1952– \)] OR [Creator = Moraczewski, Ireneusz R.]

Number of results: 4 012

Items per page:

Fot. Marjan Fuks; Jerozolimska 35; Warszawa


Bielawski, Ryszard

[ca 1955]

Sztolcman, Jan (1854–1928)


Stach, Jan Wacław (1877–1975)


Różańska, Zofia.


Kalisińska, Elżbieta Wysocki, Rościsław Dańczak, Alicja Kalisiński, Marek M. Engel, Jacek


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