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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Marsh Harrier] OR [Subject and Keywords = Western Marsh Harrier] OR [Subject and Keywords = Eurasian Marsh Harrier] OR [Subject and Keywords = reproduction] OR [Subject and Keywords = Poland, Eastern] OR [Subject and Keywords = ecology] OR [Subject and Keywords = brood losses] OR [Subject and Keywords = breeding ecology] OR [Subject and Keywords = breeding success] OR [Subject and Keywords = birds of prey] OR [Subject and Keywords = birds] OR [Subject and Keywords = Circus aeruginosus] OR [Subject and Keywords = Accipitridae] OR [Subject and Keywords = Aves] OR [Subject and Keywords = Błotniak stawowy \-\- rozmnażanie \-\- Polska Wschodnia \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = ekologia] OR [Subject and Keywords = straty w lęgach] OR [Subject and Keywords = jastrzębiowate] OR [Subject and Keywords = ptaki] OR [Subject and Keywords = Circus aeruginosus] OR [Subject and Keywords = Accipitridae] OR [Subject and Keywords = Aves] OR [Title = Breeding ecology of the Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus in eastern Poland. Cz. 2, Causes of brood losses] OR [Title = Breeding ecology of the Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus in eastern Poland. Cz. 2, Causes of brood losses] OR [Creator = Buczek, Tomasz] OR [Creator = Keller, Marek \( –2012\)] OR [Creator = Buczek, Tomasz] OR [Creator = Keller, Marek \( –2012\)]

Number of results: 1 856

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Szulc-Olechowa, Bogumiła (1941– ) Pruszyński, Mikołaj


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