RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = new taxa] OR [Subject and Keywords = Congo] OR [Subject and Keywords = Africa] OR [Subject and Keywords = Ethiopian Region] OR [Subject and Keywords = bark beetles] OR [Subject and Keywords = Scolytidae] OR [Subject and Keywords = Scolytinae] OR [Subject and Keywords = snout beetles] OR [Subject and Keywords = true weevils] OR [Subject and Keywords = Curculionidae] OR [Subject and Keywords = insects] OR [Subject and Keywords = Insecta] OR [Subject and Keywords = beetles] OR [Subject and Keywords = Coleoptera] OR [Subject and Keywords = Rhopalopselion] OR [Subject and Keywords = Catenophorus] OR [Subject and Keywords = nowe taksony] OR [Subject and Keywords = Kongo] OR [Subject and Keywords = Afryka] OR [Subject and Keywords = Ethiopian Region] OR [Subject and Keywords = kraina etiopska] OR [Subject and Keywords = Scolytidae] OR [Subject and Keywords = Scolytinae] OR [Subject and Keywords = kornikowate] OR [Subject and Keywords = korniki] OR [Subject and Keywords = Curculionidae] OR [Subject and Keywords = ryjkowce] OR [Subject and Keywords = ryjkowcowate] OR [Subject and Keywords = Insecta] OR [Subject and Keywords = owady] OR [Subject and Keywords = Coleoptera] OR [Subject and Keywords = chrząszcze] OR [Subject and Keywords = Rhopalopselion] OR [Subject and Keywords = Catenophorus] OR [Title = Nowy rodzaj i dwa nowe gatunki korników z Konga Bellgijskiego \(Coleoptera, Scolytidae\) \: \[Pl. XXIX\-XXX\]] OR [Creator = Nunberg, Marian \(1896–1986\)]

Number of results: 96

Items per page:

Prokin, Alexander A. Litovkin, Stanislav V. Jäch, Manfred A.


Skelley, Paul E. Leschen, Richard A. B. McHugh, Joseph V.


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