RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Coleoptera] OR [Subject and Keywords = Chrysomelidae \(Coleoptera\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Cassidinae] OR [Subject and Keywords = Physonotini] OR [Subject and Keywords = Asterizini] OR [Subject and Keywords = Physonota alutacea] OR [Subject and Keywords = Asteriza flavicornis] OR [Subject and Keywords = morphology of immatures] OR [Subject and Keywords = Neotropics] OR [Subject and Keywords = Coleoptera] OR [Subject and Keywords = Chrysomelidae \(Coleoptera\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Cassidinae] OR [Subject and Keywords = Physonotini] OR [Subject and Keywords = Asterizini] OR [Subject and Keywords = Physonota alutacea] OR [Subject and Keywords = Asteriza flavicornis] OR [Subject and Keywords = morphology of immatures] OR [Subject and Keywords = Neotropics] OR [Title = Immature stages of Asteriza flavicornis \(Olivier\) and Physonota alutacea Boheman \(Coleoptera\: Chrysomelidae\: Cassidinae\)] OR [Title = Immature stages of Asteriza flavicornis \(Olivier\) and Physonota alutacea Boheman \(Coleoptera\: Chrysomelidae\: Cassidinae\)] OR [Creator = Świętojańska, Jolanta] OR [Creator = Windsor, Donald M.] OR [Creator = Świętojańska, Jolanta] OR [Creator = Windsor, Donald M.]

Number of results: 69

Items per page:

Węgrzynowicz, Piotr Wąsowska, Monika Gabriela (1954– )


Skelley, Paul E. Leschen, Richard A. B. McHugh, Joseph V.


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